there is nothing accidental about you

Woah! It’s been a while, right? Well, I’m back and I have decided that I am writing a book, soooo I should be practicing my writing, right?

I have just started reading Without Rival by Lisa Bevere. I happened to pick this book up by “accident”. My friend and I were at Lifeway and I got this feeling. I told her, “There’s a book I’ve been wanting to read but I don’t know what it’s called, or even what the cover looks like.” Big help, right? ha! We did some browsing but none of them felt “right”. I picked up Present over Perfect, but I knew that wasn’t what I was looking for. We eventually left. I forgot about it.

Then, we went to Hobby Lobby (not looking for books, I swear.) As we were headed to the checkout line, I saw the books. I asked her if we could look really fast. I still had that “feeling.” Then, I saw this title and this cover and I knew it was what I was looking for. Now, subconsciously, I know that I have seen this book on Instagram or somewhere and I had stored it away for a time when I needed it. The time was now.

When you are in business for yourself, there is always going to be time to compare, to feel less than everyone else doing just what you are doing. I had just recently experienced this when an online friend chose another health and fitness coach over of me. It cut so deep. I wondered why and I pondered for a full day what made her “better than me” In other words, that whole “why am I never good enough?” voice came raring its ugly head. ugh. That is NEVER a good look…on anyone. I, thank goodness, have been doing so much personal development and self-care that I didn’t let this keep me down too long. I know that this happens, but that doesn’t mean that my tender heart has been hardened.

As I began reading Without Rival, I came across the line,

Marvelously loved one, there is absolutely nothing accidental about you.

Ahh! Can you just feel that exhale. No one else is you. No one else can ever compare to you because you are you. You are youer than you, as Dr. Seuss says. God has made us each unique. We have been set apart so that we have no “rival”. We shouldn’t be competing with anyone, whether it be for friends, boyfriends, jobs, contests, clients, etc. Our only competition should be ourselves, to be better than the person we were yesterday.

It’s not lost on me that the last time I sat down and wrote a blog, it was about comparison. Obviously, this is a struggle. One that I believe many women, and, likely, some men, deal with all throughout life. But, the truth is that it’s a no-win situation. We cannot be winners when we are looking at our competition rather than looking up to our Creator for what He wants from us. So today, join me in locking arms and taking in all that we are, as individuals, and what we can do as unique beings during our time on Earth.

Have you ever had a rival? How did it feel? How do you believe that you are unique and without rival?

Who are you competing with?

Just the other day, I was listening to a podcast while getting ready and I felt overcome with anxiety.  I couldn’t quite pinpoint the source of my worry.  I was listening to totally inspirational stuff.  The woman’s voice coming from my phone was glowing with excitement at the adversity she had overcome only to lead her to the absolute top position in her company…also my company. Then, boom.  It hit me.  I felt like I was in competition with her.  This feeling has plagued me since I joined.  I was always wondering why other coaches had too many messages to answer, while I was fighting to get people just to respond back to me.  Once again, that feeling of I’m just not good enough had crept back in.  The enemy.  He hates us.  He knows full well what gets to each one of us and he feeds into it. I stopped, looked in the mirror, and thought, “I have never been good at competing with others, but I am great at competing with myself.”  I have always been an athlete, but one who fights to better herself every day.  Any time it came to racing another person to a goal, I froze and failed. I was competitive cheerleader through high school and college.  Long-distance, 2-time marathon, runner in my mid-20s.  To a short-lived Cross-fit stint between my two marathons. Oh yeah.  I can compete with myself.  That’s what I have always done.  And you know what?  I can beat myself, every single time.  I know that truth in my heart.  I learned new stunts and routines.  I beat my fastest running times.  I lifted more weight and more reps.  I. Can. Beat. Myself.  And I am the only one standing in the way of myself.

God has not give me a spirit of timidity but one of power and love and self-discipline.

I will not let the enemy keep me from my dreams, because that’s what he does my friends.  Did you know that?  If you are feeling not ready, apprehensive, nervous, that’s because something BIG is about to happen.  You just have to decide, are you ready to fight for it?

my heart is wholly yours

This week is all about love.  I love love.  It’s the absolute most amazing feeling.  It can take you so high.  There is no greater feeling than that of being in love.

I was watching The Bachelor the other night (don’t judge) and I heard a girl say that she needed a man to want her in order to feel beautiful again.  My heart goes out to her because I know exactly what that feels like.  It is so hard to love yourself and see yourself as worthy when “your” man has not come along yet.  You think no one wants you, and why would they?   You think you are not deserving.  Not pretty enough, not young enough, not skinny enough, not tall enough, not cool enough. .

But, this morning at church we sang “Wholly Yours” by David Crowder and I realized that I am wholly His.  God, He is the Great Pursuer.  No man will ever pursue you the way God does.  He will chase you down when you are running the opposite way from Him.  He will pick you up all dirty and tattered and carry you back home in his arms.  He will reclaim you as His own when you think you have messed up too badly to ever come back.

No man will ever pursue you the way God

We look to men to fill that void, to make us feel “complete”.  We feel lonely and feel that having a boyfriend or husband would change that forever but the truth is.  Men mess up.  Men are not perfect.  Men are not God.  You can’t hold them to that kind of a standard or you will never ever be satisfied.  That’s okay.  The same goes for women.  We are not perfect and do our fair share of messing up.  I’m not just picking on men here.  I promise.

All I can do is share what works for me.  I am at my happiest when I am loving God and moving my body.  This has brought me so close in my relationship with Him.  I wanted to share a little bit with you and dedicate this week leading up to Valentine’s Day to the unconditional, steadfast love of our amazing God.  The Perfect Lover.

Join me and two of my favorite ladies, Joy and Kristen, in celebrating this love as we host the #HeartWhollyYours challenge on Instagram.  Each day we will be meditating on a verse while getting our hearts pumping with a cardio move and ending with a heart opening yoga pose.



Yesterday, I came to the conclusion that I have always had something to find my identity in, but I think that is true of most people.

When I was a young girl in school, I was smart.

When I got into high school and college I was a cheerleader. I told everyone that.

My last semester in college I started dating this guy so I was his girlfriend for 4 1/2 years.

After we broke up, I started running. Then, I was a runner. I found myself telling people so and it was a fact most people knew about me for my adult life.

Then, the unexpected happened. I was injured training for a marathon and never really healed. I didn’t know who I was. I couldn’t hang out with those friends anymore because they were doing something that I could no longer do -> run.

I struggled in trying to find my place in this world. I suddenly didn’t know where I belonged anymore.

I had been back in church for a year or two at this point so I was slowly but surely starting to recognize the gospel. So in the past 2-3 years I have found my true identity.

And, that brings me to yesterday I was sitting in church listening to the message when I had to write my ideas down.

I don’t ever have to wonder who I am or where I belong anymore, because I know that I am His and He is mine.


That is where my identity lies from now till forever, in the love of Christ. I don’t ever have to wander this world alone again. I am saved by grace through faith.

For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.  {Ephesians 2:8}

What about you?  Where do you find your identity?

what’s on the horizon

Do you enjoy every sunrise and sunset as I do?  Do you look at it and know the beauty of our Creator?  Most days it brings tears to my eyes to see the horizon, to know that His mercies are new every day.  Not some days when He feels like it.  Not only on weekends.  Not only when I am doing my best to be His child here on Earth. Every. Single. Day.

That brings me to this.  I have felt a nudging in my heart.  That nudging has brought me to the conclusion that this is something God keeps putting in front of me for a reason.  He is in this, as He is in all things.  I try to not make huge life decisions without Him.  I say “try” because sometimes I fail and my selfishness takes over.

holy yoga

So, this thing that I’m going to do, or think I’m going to do, is Holy Yoga.  I am going to be an instructor.  It is my passion to lead other women in loving themselves and their bodies exactly where they are in a Spirit-filled atmosphere.

I have no formal yoga training.  I only practice at home. I am humble in all aspects of yoga (and ministering – this is scary to me).  But, I am willing to trust and I am willing to learn.  If there is one thing I can say positive about myself it’s that I am coach-able.

Therefore, I am taking up this journey.  I am going where the Spirit leads me, even if it is into deep, unknown waters.  I am trusting.  I am trusting in His timing.  I am trusting in His provision.  I am trusting in His sovereignty.

Have you ever practiced Holy Yoga? Where do you feel the Spirit leading you this year?  What are your new scary endeavors?

Core of Christmas

If you follow me on Instagram, you have more than likely noticed my latest posts.  In December, I decided to start the #CoreOfChristmas challenge.  I absolutely love everything about Christmas, from the music to the lights on the tree to the excuses to get together with more people I love.  With so many people running around trying to “get things done” and buy gifts, I really wanted to just focus on Jesus for this season.  After all,  that’s what it’s all about, so in comes the “core” of Christmas.

I decided to combine my love for Jesus with my love of fitness.  We will be doing a different core exercise every day and meditating on a verse to keep us in the present.


I have teamed up with my lifelong friend, Courtney, as well as friends I met through faith and fitness in social media, Tiffany and Bobbi.  I’m hoping you will join us!  Did I mention there are PRIZES??  Oh, yes, we will be drawing names on the 12th and 24th of December.

Here is a look at the past few days!

Day 1: elbow plank & Proverbs 31:17

plank plank2

Day 2: bicycle crunches & Psalm 139:14


Day 3: superman & John 16:33


Day 4….check us out on Instagram!  Can’t wait to see you join in on the Community we are forming.


things i miss about running

So, I think, I am retired from running.  I know all you runners are gasping at this and trust me, it’s not an easy thing for me to say.  I have actually been considering it for a while now.  Ever since I injured another part of my body while my torn hamstring was healing.  Don’t worry, these were not my only injuries ever as a runner.

Truth is, running is hard.  It takes a lot out of your body, especially long-distance running, which was my preferred method.  I’m sad.  There are so many things I will miss.

things i miss

  1. Exploring the city on foot
  2. The feeling of accomplishment as I top a hill
  3. Crossing a finish line
  4. Being one with nature
  5. Seeing how far and fast I could go
  6. Jamming to my playlist
  7. Making up a new playlist
  8. Runner’s High
  9. Reflection
  10. Running in a summer rain

Some of these things I can experience by walking around or hiking.  I plan on doing a lot of hiking now.  That is something I never would have done before because I was so concerned about getting my run in, but now, I have all the time in the world.  It’s kind of weird to think that.  I started running when I was 26 and I am retiring 5 years later.  I don’t want to, but my body does.  I have to listen to my body.  It’s not worth not being able to walk when I am older.

Have you had to hang up your running shoes?  What would you miss if you did?

Wednesday Wonderful


Ok, I’m joining a blog link-up with Lynda from fitnessmomwinecountry and How My World Runs this week.  We are sharing some of our favorites of all things.  I’ve never done a link-up like this before so this is something new for me.

Here goes:

Right now, and always, I’m loving Yogi hot tea.  I’m trying to cut down on my caffeine/coffee intake so the tea is a great replacement for now.  I love Yogi because it comes with so many different flavor for specific needs.  Here are all the ones I have now….someone may have a problem…


One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp has turned my life around.  She has taught me how to love and live life fully right where I am.  Not looking for the next thing or a change to make me happy, but seeing the good in every situation.  I know what you’re thinking, and, yes, there is good in every situation.  I was a bitter Betty before reading this book and now I try to see the Light and shine it where ever I go.  Of course, I still struggle with bitterness, jealously, and disappointment, like we all do, but I’d like to think I’m getting over it more quickly now that I am letting gratitude run my life.  I have counted and named almost 100 gifts.  I will make it to 1000!


So, I think that’s all I’ll share for this week.  I’ll be sure and have some more “wonderfulz” #yeswithaz stored up for the next link up in 2 weeks!  Be sure to check out all of these awesome blogs!

What’s your favorite this week?

why I quit the gym

For a little time last year, I was a member of a gym.  I joined for the pool.  I was training for a marathon and had gotten injured.  I needed a pool to continue my endurance training.
Did a pool keep me at my current fitness level? No.  Did a building full of equipment keep me at peak fitness?  No.  Did I enjoy my time at the gym?  Again.  No.
why i quit
So, let’s go through the reasons why working out at home is the bomb.

1.  Money – The gym was costing me too much money. I was paying $50 a month and not getting anything for it.  Yeah, I had access to all these machines and weights but I didn’t know how to use them.  I didn’t have a plan.  I wasn’t motivated.  There was no end in sight.

-With my home workouts, I have a plan.  I know what workout to do and when.  I have personal access to some of the nation’s top trainers.  Why on earth would I hire a trainer here?

2.  Time – The gym is 20 minutes away from home and not on my way home from work. That’s 40 minutes of my day wasted.  In the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for dat!”  Oh, and to top it off, the gym closed at 5pm on the weekends.  What tha??  I mean, I don’t know about y’all but sometimes I need to go later in the day.

– I can workout at home, anytime I want, and save 40 minutes a day!  That adds up when you work a full-time job, a part-time job, and are trying to start your own business.

3. Support – I was intimidated to use the machines and free weights. All of the cardio machines faced the weight area. I was always so paranoid that everyone behind me was criticizing my form while I was lifting or on the machines.

-Well, in my own home, no one can see what the heck I’m doing.  I can dance around when my favorite song comes on and no one would know.  Plus, I have all my online friends to encourage me.


So, in short, I am very, very happy I quit the gym.  Not only am I in better shape, but I am happier and have more money.  🙂  And that’s always a good thing.

What about you?  Are you a gym-goer?

What do you like about it?  What don’t you like?



gettin’ fixed

So much has happened since I last wrote, I’m not sure I will be able to fit it all in one blog.  Here goes with thing numero uno: I started the 21 Day Fix.

I will admit it has been hard, downright difficult at times, but definitely doable with a little planning and restraint/willpower.  Let me start over by telling you exactly what it is I’m doing.

The Fix is a 21 day program. (Duh!)  Each day there is a different workout to do, but that’s not all there is with this thing.  It also keeps up with nutrition…uhh, what?!  That is my downfall every time I try to get really fit.  I’m not too proud to admit it.  Even though I would like to think I have it all under control sometimes, I don’t.

I love working out!  It’s a passion of mine.  Okay, maybe that’s taking it a bit far, but I do enjoy it (usually).  As most of you know I’ve run and trained for half and marathons.  Those take a lot of discipline to do all the workouts, but never once did I restrict what I was eating while training for those.

Now that I am a coach, I’ve decided I need to take my eating habits more seriously and in consideration, especially when I’m trying to help others eat more healthily.  I talked about this on my Lifestyle Accountability podcast. (Which will be featured this Saturday, April 12th.  Eek!)

So I started this new plan where I eat so many of each type of food a day.  It comes with these handy-dandy little containers, colored for a certain food group.  Here’s the breakdown -> Purple – fruits, Green – veggies, Red – protein, Yellow – carbs, Blue – fats/cheese, Orange – oils/dressings.  Of course, they get smaller and you are allowed different amounts of each one depending on your caloric goal.  I am in the 1200-1499 calorie range for now.  I will probably up that when I go back to P90X3 and Combat workouts and running.


I spent my Sunday evening cooking and prepping.  I baked chicken with Mrs. Dash and “fried” lean ground turkey on the stove top with taco-like spices.  I made about a 1.5 lbs of chicken and 1.25 lbs of turkey.  Keep in mind that I am only cooking for myself.  I also proportioned out some salads for lunch with spinach and cherry tomatoes.  That way I had ready-made meals and didn’t resort to the drive-thru, as is my fall back. Here is what a typical day looked like for me.  I am a creature of habit so I stuck with the same meals quite a bit.


Breakfast:  Vanilla Shakeology, Almond Milk, PB2

AM Snack: Almonds, Jicama

Lunch: Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes, Chicken, and Blueberries

PM Snack: Pear

Dinner: Turkey Tacos with Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes

Yep, I am Plain Jane, but, it works for me!  I got in all my nutrients and I felt great, even after my workouts.  I can’t wait see my final results at the end of the 21 days.  Only 14 more to go!

P.S. If you would like to know more about this plan, leave your email below or go to the contact me page.  I’ll get back to you asap! 🙂