Core of Christmas

If you follow me on Instagram, you have more than likely noticed my latest posts.  In December, I decided to start the #CoreOfChristmas challenge.  I absolutely love everything about Christmas, from the music to the lights on the tree to the excuses to get together with more people I love.  With so many people running around trying to “get things done” and buy gifts, I really wanted to just focus on Jesus for this season.  After all,  that’s what it’s all about, so in comes the “core” of Christmas.

I decided to combine my love for Jesus with my love of fitness.  We will be doing a different core exercise every day and meditating on a verse to keep us in the present.


I have teamed up with my lifelong friend, Courtney, as well as friends I met through faith and fitness in social media, Tiffany and Bobbi.  I’m hoping you will join us!  Did I mention there are PRIZES??  Oh, yes, we will be drawing names on the 12th and 24th of December.

Here is a look at the past few days!

Day 1: elbow plank & Proverbs 31:17

plank plank2

Day 2: bicycle crunches & Psalm 139:14


Day 3: superman & John 16:33


Day 4….check us out on Instagram!  Can’t wait to see you join in on the Community we are forming.


What are you implying, New Year?!

It’s that time of year again.  You know what I’m talking about…

brace yourself

I have never been one to make New Year’s Resolutions.  It has just never occurred to me.


In all seriousness, I have always tried to make a change (resolution, if you will) when I see that said change is needed.  When faced with a challenge necessary for my overall well-being, I’m motivated right then and there to get moving on it.  As I wrote in this post, I knew I wasn’t where I needed to be.  I hadn’t quite made that change but I was ready.  Change was imminent.

I am very glad that I didn’t wait until January 1st to pull myself together.  Enough pouting over no-running already, there are other things I can do and still get my endorphin high!  I have found that thing.  By all means, make your New Year’s Resolutions if you do!  You’ll be very happy you did come next year.  It’s like they say, if you had started a year ago, you’d be there already…or something like that.


Are you a resolution kind of person?

Do you usually stick to them?

What’s a resolution you’ve stuck to (New Year’s or otherwise)?

Did I use “change” too many times in this post? (I searched synonyms on but “revolution” and “transformation” seemed too dramatic.)

Double Dog Dare Ya!

Ok, you guys, I’m hosting my first ever challenge group!  If you’re anything like me, you are going to enjoy lots of goodies over the holidays and not think anything about it.  And that’s okay.  Everything in moderation is what I say.

But come January 1st, I’m sure many of you have resolutions to lead healthier lifestyles.  Instead of fighting the crowds at the gym, why not workout in your own home?  I love working out at home!  (I’m currently working on that blog post.)  Where else can you be completely comfortable and not worry about other people?  Whether you are concerned about them looking at/judging you or when they are going to get off of that machine you really want to use, you may not be in love with the idea of a traditional gym.

That’s where a challenge group comes in!

Here’s what you get:

-10-week pre-planned workout plan (only 25 minutes each!)

-Once-a-week group workout for those in the Tri-Cities area

-Easy, peasy nutritious meal options

-30-day supply of Shakeology (designed to help you lose weight, reduce cravings, improve digestion, increase your energy and stamina, and not to mention make your hair and nails look fabulous)

-A private Facebook group for support (No one will be able to see these posts except for those in the group)

-Daily inspiration from yours truly!

-Free coaching!

If we aren’t already facebook friends, find me at or to join the group go to and click on “Challenge Pack” to get started!  (Please leave me a comment so I can find you!)

I can’t wait to take this journey with you!!!

2014 best

How do you stay in control over the holidays?

What is your New Year’s Resolution?